1200 South St. Lafayette, IN 47901 : 765.742.6302


How does SCRIP generate money for the school? We purchase gift cards at a discounted rate, we sell them at face value, the difference is our profit. While it doesn’t seem like much, as a group we can generate hundreds of dollars each week in profit. Use SCRIP to purchase everyday essentials like groceries, gas, clothing, uniforms, dining out, etc.

The SCRIP program profits are used to help maintain the school facilities.

Earn Tuition Credit – a portion is accumulated and applied in a lump sum to your tuition for the following school year. Profit percentages per vendor are listed on the order form. Any household purchasing SCRIP cards may direct tuition credit to any LCSS family.

To see a list of participating vendors, see the SCRIP Order Form below or go online.

To order SCRIP online – Go here to sign up to order online.  You will need our non-profit’s enrollment code: EAB81LB66695.

To order SCRIP using the order form – Print this order form. St. Mary Cathedral School families may choose to send in orders and payments on weekdays with their school children. Orders are filled and sent home with the designated child if specified on the order form. SCRIP is also sold after all weekend Masses. There are no SCRIP sales on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or Easter.

How to order online